Covid vax cards (remember those?) are coming to an end and the mainstream media appears to be in mourning
· Oct 5, 2023 ·

Remember when there was an attempt by certain elements in this country to illegally and immorally discriminate against anyone who didn't get the experimental jab?

One of the relics of this time, the white CDC vaccination card, which some libs wanted to require you to have to participate in society, is being officially retired. And the media is in mourning:


There was a time when NBC News would call you evil if you didn't have one of these cards carried on a lanyard, letting everyone know you were one of the "good" people who cared about others.

And now that it's over, this "once-critical" and apparently "ubiquitous" relic of the Medical Fascist state is gone.

Ubiquitous except for the fact that, in my memory, I personally have never laid eyes on a card like this in my life. Except for my morally superior friends proudly posting it on Facebook, I wouldn't even know what it looks like.

Here's how NBC, with help from the AP, reported this tragic development:

It's the end of an era for a once-critical pandemic document: The ubiquitous white COVID-19 vaccination cards are being phased out.

Now that COVID-19 vaccines are not being distributed by the federal government, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stopped printing new cards.

"It's going to be okay! The anti-vaxxers may have won this one, but we'll get them next time!"

You just feel so bad for them that their plans to gulag the folks skeptical of the liars in DC fell through and have fizzled out.

Hopefully NBC is right. The era of medical fascism needs to end and be replaced with a new era of freedom.

One can only hope.

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