FBI raids homes of two top aides to NYC Mayor Eric Adams
· Sep 5, 2024 · NottheBee.com

We're now up to five Eric Adams aides who've had their properties raided by the FBI, presumably as part of its investigation into a potential kickback scheme at City Hall involving the Turkish government and a Brooklyn construction company.

FBI agents raided the homes of two top aides to Mayor Eric Adams — Phil Banks and Sheena Wright — early Wednesday, law enforcement sources confirmed.

The raids — first reported by The City — unfolded simultaneously about 5 a.m. at Wright's elegant West 143rd Street home in Harlem and Banks' Queens home, according to the sources …

The raids' precise purpose remained unclear Thursday, but a source with knowledge of the probe said investigators have been trying to flip someone close to Adams, who has not been accused of wrongdoing.

Wright, as the city's first deputy mayor, is the closest Adams aide to have her home raided by the feds. Banks, a longtime Adams ally, serves as his deputy mayor for public safety.

Remember, Mayor Adams was starting to sound a whole lot like a Republican before this whole investigation started.

He went to Mexico to tell migrants not to come to the US; he called for a "state of emergency" at the southern border; and he even threatened to start bussing migrants back to Texas.

Funny how this all started after Adams started complaining about our open borders, huh?

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