The Lincoln Project Plans to Continue Saving the GOP from Trump by Donating to Democrat Senate Candidates After the Presidential Election
· Nov 5, 2020 ·

In Georgia, GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler and Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock appear to be headed for a runoff after the results from Tuesday's election. The votes in Georgia are still being tallied, however, it looks like neither candidate will be able to reach the threshold to secure the seat in this election.

If this trend holds up, and there is a runoff, it is predicted that it will be one of the most expensive Senate elections in history, and this is thanks in part to the "Conservative" anti-Trump PAC, The Lincoln Project.

The Lincoln Project was originally created under the pretense that it was a place where Republicans who wanted to "preserve the party of Lincoln" could come together and save the republic from the awful orange bad man, Donald J. Trump.

So, the best way to defeat Trump, obviously, would be to pour money into elections to support Democratic candidates for Senate AFTER the presidential election is over.

You know, because the best way to save the GOP is to make sure they lose every election ever until the end of time.

CNBC reports, "The Lincoln Project, according to people familiar with the matter, will target Loeffler and could get involved in the other Georgia Senate race if that goes to a runoff."

Not just the Loeffler race, but if the Perdue vs. Osoff race ends up in a runoff the balloonheads at the Lincoln Project are here to fight against the Republican Party. This is even with the assumption that Donald Trump loses and is out of power, at that point hasn't the Lincoln Project won? Isn't it mission accomplished?

The fumbling, bumbling, rEaL cOnSeRvAtIvE, Never Trump balloonheads are here to make sure the GOP never wins a seat again.

I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, these people aren't true Republicans.

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