Back in 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) introduced their sustainable protein objectives for the world. According to the plan, we'll all be eating either plant-based meat, lab-grown meat, or insects and worms instead of meat by 2030.
Like most things the World Economic Forum says, it sounded crazy, and no one thought anyone would buy into it, but then governments around the world started falling in line and enacting the insanity.
For example, the Netherlands just rolled out a new nutritional program for schools across the country: mealworms instead of meat.
Of course we know where this all started: Hakunah Matata, baby!

Seriously though, the WEF would have you believe that this is all to save our planet.
They say that "livestock generates just under 15% of the total CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions a year" and that to feed the world's population in 2030 we'll need 280 million additional hectacres for livestock (roughly double the size of the United States), and for evidence they link to a 12-year old study with doomsday prophecies, none of which have happened.
Let's take a look at a couple of other numbers to understand what's going on.
According to another WEF report, 1 billion people are involved in livestock value chains globally. Taking away these jobs will will take us one step closer to the WEF's 2016 vision of "you'll own nothing and be happy," which was first unveiled in their Annual Meeting in 2016, but after it went viral, and the World Economic Forum got thrown into the global spotlight for maybe the first time in its 50-year existence; the phrase was retconned 1984 style.

Today, all the fact checkers say that WEF never said it at all. "Own nothing and be happy" is just misinformation.
And if we didn't eat meat, we might believe it.
However, every study since forever shows that eating meat increases brain health and cognition, significantly. Meat is the only significant source of the vitamin B-12, and the amount of B-12 in your blood directly correlates with IQ. Another nutrient scarce in vegetarian diets is iron. A study in 2007 showed that giving women iron supplements led to significant intellectual gains.
But if movies over the last decade have taught us anything, it's that smart people are usually the villains.

So how does a mealworm stack up in the vitamins department?
There isn't enough B12 in two pounds of mealworms for what is recommended for a rat or chicken, much less a human being. Iron is also on the light side. Crickets were better, but still not enough for IQ development in the same way poultry and beef enhance our cognitive ability.
So now my question is, did the WEF pick these meat alternatives specifically for their low quantities of brain-enhancing vitamins and minerals or is that just a convenient happenstance?
It's something to think about while you still can.