The New York Times on Biden: "Strange as it may sound, the American government can function without a healthy president." 😬
· Apr 26, 2023 ·

When I read this, I could hardly even imagine it was real.

The New York Times ACTUALLY wrote this right after an 80-year-old Joe Biden announced he would be running for reelection.

Here's how the story begins. It's something to behold, so just take it all in:

The biggest reason that many Democratic officials are nervous about President Biden's age is not his ability to do the job in a second term.

Strange as it may sound, the American government can function without a healthy president. The U.S. marched toward victory in World War II while Franklin Roosevelt was ailing in 1944 and 1945. Four decades later, the government managed its relationship with a teetering Soviet Union while Ronald Reagan's mental capacities slipped. In each case, White House aides, Cabinet secretaries and military leaders performed well despite the lack of a fully engaged leader.

The New York Times, the "truth to power" people, the nation's Paper of Record, is really suggesting that it doesn't matter whether or not we elect a literal corpse for the Democrats.

A dead body will do just fine (he's not the one running the show anyways).

We all knew this was true already. It was true in 2020 when we first elected Joe Biden. But for the New York Times to come out and admit that as part of Joe Biden's "strategy" is SO insane.

"Don't worry whether or not he dies in office or poops himself in front of the pope. The president isn't a real thing anyways."

I guess if Fetterman can be a senator then an octogenarian Biden running for president is no big deal.

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