The Number Of Carjackings Is Skyrocketing In Major Cities This Year, And I'm Sure All The Defund The Police People Have No Problem With This
· Jan 25, 2022 ·

The crime wave that has been taking place in the wake of the Defund the Police movement after the death of George Floyd has shown no signs of stopping.

Somehow, when the police can't do their jobs and prosecutors aren't putting criminals behind bars, a rise in crime results.

Who could have predicted such a thing?

Even the corporate media can't ignore the rise in violent crime, particularly carjacking, which has seen a major uptick this year.

The mainstream media, while they do report on this story, hilariously makes no connection between the crime spree and Democratic policies. In the first line of this story, the reporter says there's been an uptick in carjackings "during the pandemic."

Yes, one of the symptoms of Covid is apparently grand theft auto.

It couldn't be the major anti-police movement that took place in this same time period.

James Oliphant, a national correspondent for Reuters News, tweeted out that DC is on pace to see more than one carjacking a day.

The libs who follow Oliphant were quick to jump to the defense of the carjackers.

It's totally fine. Someone pulls a gun on you in broad daylight and steals your vehicle? You've got insurance, no big deal.

This guy has strong Seth Rogen vibes.

This guy must be an AOC "they're stealing bread to feed their families" devotee:

It's not worse than last year. People are just gonna steal. What can you do about it?

How about throwing criminals in jail? Just a thought.

Philadelphia is the worst of it, you'll remember we did this story a few weeks back:

Things are getting out of control in major cities, and it ain't because of Covid.

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