Kids identifying as animals is a growing trend and apparently wokies think that's a good thing
· Oct 18, 2024 ·

What in the world is this?

What is happening to this world?

Is this the next wave of the sexual revolution? The complete and total normalization of these furry fetishes?

And this is just one video from a girl who calls herself "Amber the Cat" and who has 148,000 followers on TikTok where she posts video after video of her "being" a cat.

But her account says it's for 13+, so I guess it's okay.

And, just so you know, this girl's mom is totally on board and wants you to know about it.

When Emma's daughter told her she identified as an animal, the mum was understandably surprised.

'I wondered if it was just a passing fad — something she had seen on social media and connected with,' she told Mamamia.

But it was more than that. Emma's daughter explained to her mum that she's a Therian — and she's just one of a growing number of children identifying this way.

Umm, to answer Mom's question, yes it was DEFINITELY something she'd seen on social media, and YES it would have been a passing fad if you decided to be a parent instead of an enabler.

Now she has a daughter who is a "Therian" which, mom explains, is not a furry exactly. Furries are weirdos who dress as cartoon animals and meet together, often for sexual purposes. Therians, however, identify AS animals "spiritually and psychologically."

Meaning, just like the transgender argument, that these kids "identify" as literal animals. And this is a growing trend.

Therians don't typically choose which animal (or Theriotype) they identify with. It usually comes through introspection, dreams, or just a strong sense of connection to a particular animal and their characteristics. For example, a Therian who identifies as a wolf may feel strong instincts of loyalty, protectiveness, and a deep connection to nature.

A child psychologist interviewed by Mamamia notes that social media allows children who might be interested to "find communities" that allow them to create and explore new identities.

Yeah, I'm thinking letting your kid explore social media and convince themselves that they're a coyotes isn't really the best way forward.

When Emma's daughter told her mum she identifies as a Therian, Emma said, 'Even though it was all a bit unknown and strange to me, [I] responded gently and understandingly.'


Since the conversation, Emma has witnessed 'mostly positive outcomes' of supporting her daughter's Therian identity.

'I was worried it was somehow a mental 'problem' or a reaction to some other issue in her life,' she said. 'But as I have watched it unfold I see it brings her great joy and also comfort, and it's an outlet for her too — so I am much less concerned. I keep a watchful eye in case this changes.'

You were worried it was a mental problem? But now you're not worried because she found other kids on the internet who do the same thing. Maybe time to bring out that old logic textbook from college.

And the "positive outcomes"? Posting videos of herself prancing around online like a literal fox for hundreds of thousands of people to see and partying with sexually deviant furries in public.

But it allows her to express herself so ...

And as Dober [the child psychologist] explained, identifying as a Therian is not a sign of a 'problem'.

'Generally speaking, exploring identifying as a Therian is healthy and normal,' she said. 'Children can have a rich, well-adjusted and socially expansive life as a Therian.'

THIS is considered healthy and normal in today's society?

And people treat it as if it's just a regular part of childhood.

Here's a story from another mom:

I said that she can like animals and sometimes want to dress up as her favorite but she isn't one. She was very upset/sad as she was getting called 'weird' and 'a furry' at school so I'm sure I made her feel worse. I eventually apologized for hurting her feelings and said she can be whatever she wants as long as she's happy, and I was a huge Hello Kitty girl when I was young so I understand.


Hurt feelings are NOT the biggest issue here.

Thinking you are an actual animal is NOT THE SAME as liking Hello Kitty!

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