The online video game Fortnite will now let gamers visit a digital Holocaust museum
· Aug 8, 2023 ·

Not quite sure what the point of this is or what they hope to accomplish, but, um, well, anyway, there it is:

Fortnite, Epic Games' crossover meme of a video game, is once again becoming the stage for some historical education, as a group of developers has used Epic's Unreal Editor For Fortnite program to create an in-game museum dedicated to the Holocaust.

I mean, education about the Holocaust is always valuable. You can never not have enough warnings about genocide.

But, um, is this particular video game really going to be a source of "education" about the Shoah? I mean, Fortnite is the cartoonishly silly shoot-em-up game known mostly for players in bizarre costumes who are constantly "dabbing."

How much exactly do we expect this game to be a vehicle for meaningful education about the horrors of Nazi Germany?

Never underestimate people's hopefulness, though:

According to a study, around 80 percent of people have never visited a Holocaust museum, so a digital alternative may at least reach some new people.

It "may at least reach some new people." Well, maybe. Good luck with it, Fortnite.

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