The Sikh man who stopped a shoplifter by whoopin' him? Yeah, California police are investigating HIM because of course ๐Ÿ˜‘
ยท Aug 7, 2023 ยท

The big fancy word for what's happening here is "anarchotyranny."

Hitting him with a stick more than two dozen times.

There was a time when this would be called, "getting off easy." The store clerk had every right to protect his property and protect his livelihood.

If you missed it, the storeowner went viral last week when he went into full justice mode and taught that thief a lesson he won't soon forget.

This was apparently that perp's THIRD robbery of the store. I'd say that the Sikh store owner showed great patience and restraint, to be honest. But instead of throwing the perp in jail, they want to teach the Sikh storeowner a lesson about daring to protect yourself or your property in California.

California is the definition of anarchotyranny. Friends are rewarded by being allowed to commit crimes unabated, while enemies are punished for opposing crime.

It's up to the DA to decide what charges are brought. In a just world, there would be none.

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