Let's face it: You don't go get a McDonald's breakfast for those rubbery little bowling-alley sausage patties or the lame folded egg or even the McMuffin. You go for that snappy, crunchy, modestly greasy hash brown, the queen of the fast-food breakfast kingdom.
But those days may be over soon:
McDonald's Taiwan said Friday some of its stores were running out of hash browns imported from the United States and would have to suspend sales due to "unstable global shipping supply".
The company put up signs in some storefronts announcing the suspensions while the item is listed as "temporarily unavailable" on its menus.
"There is a shortage of hash browns in McDonald's restaurants and sales will be temporarily suspended after they are sold out," a statement posted on the company's website said.
It's okay: You can pause for a moment to mourn the old world that's slowly slipping away.

I mean, look, sure, right now it's limited to Taiwan. Do you think it will stay that way? The supply-chain crisis apparently isn't going anywhere so long as Joe Biden keeps on doing his thing.
What starts at one McDonald's rarely stays at one McDonald's for very long.
And people want those hash browns, which means demand is always going to stay ahead of supply during times like this. I mean, they're the best. Much better than Hardee's greasy little coins, Burger King's shoe-flavored medallions, and those ridiculous "seasoned potatoes" at Wendy's.
I mean we can all agree on that, right?