The United States just issued its first passport with an "X" gender designation and I have thoughts
· Oct 27, 2021 ·

Okay people here we go. We now have intersex passports in the U.S.

Yes, and before you get mad at the person who got this whole thing started, I'd like to point out that the first person to get this passport designation was an actual person who was born with actual "ambiguous physical sexual characteristics."

But now we'll leave it up to all these folx who have no drive in life except to change genders as many times as it takes to suddenly realize they "don't have one" to just go ahead and ruin this for real people who are actually clinically intersex with actual chromosomal abnormalities.

The United States has issued its first passport with an "X" gender designation, marking a milestone in the recognition of the rights of people who do not identify as male or female, and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, the State Department said Wednesday.

I bet there are a whole line of terrorists waiting for the perfect moment to become "intersex" so they can be greeted kindly by our free-spirited authorities as they show off their new genderless passports on their way into the country.

At least they'll look really cute when they're chopping off my head!

Oh, and look at this:

The [State] Department now also allows applicants to self-select their gender as male or female, no longer requiring them to provide medical certification if their gender did not match that listed on their other identification documents.

So yeah, these progressives are great. Find someone who actually suffers from something real—a person who is literally intersex—and use that scenario to open up a whole can of worms that will allow all these fake-gendered lowlifes to basically write whatever they want on their passports.

That's progress!

In any case, I will not stop fighting for LGBTQETC rights until our passports allow us to identify as wallabies.

Someday, people.


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