Biden spent his Sunday eating BBQ at a White House picnic while reports surfaced of Americans killed or held hostage by Hamas
ยท Oct 9, 2023 ยท

This is an absolute disgrace: While Israel fell into war and many, including Americans, were killed or held hostage by Hamas, the White House hosted a barbecue complete with live music.

Yup, this was the news coming in out of Israel:

We have reports that several Americans were killed โ€” we're working overtime to verify that. At the same time, there are reports of missing Americans, and, there again, we're working to verify those reports.

Yes, Americans are being held hostage.

And this was what the White House was doing on Sunday:


Like, when there's a war brewing in Israel and the invading forces are killing Israelis, Europeans, and Americans, and taking some of them hostage, you gotta cancel this barbecue and get to the podium โ€” I don't care who's president.

Or else, you'll end up with news coverage like this, which is more than warranted:

President Joe Biden hosted a party for White House staff on Sunday night as countless Americans remain missing and held hostage by terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. A number of Americans were killed by terrorists in attacks over the weekend.

President Biden, I'm not mad at you, bro, I'm just disappointed. You're out getting entertained and filling your belly while your countrymen have been captured by terrorists and WW3 is brewing.

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