Look at the reactions of woke Americans versus Africans at this white guy who wore traditional garb to his Nigerian buddy's wedding ๐Ÿ˜‚
ยท Aug 15, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

This white dude was invited to his Nigerian friends' wedding and dressed up in traditional Nigerian clothing. To the wokesters, this is racist cultural appropriation.

To all the sane people out there, we just wanna be this guy's friend.

This is peak rizz.

If you don't know rizz, what can I say, you're an old.

Nah, just kidding, rizz is a silly Gen Z word that's just short for charisma, and this dude has got it in spades.

Of course, the wokies in America got really mad. Here's one commenter who wanted to explain to Africans why they are so oppressed.

Fortunately, Africans want nothing to do with woke Americans!!

Check out the replies:

Keep on trying to convert people to your stupid cult, wokies! You're the "colonizers" now.

The rest of us will be having fun sharing our culture with each other and going to weddings!

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