Women are tuning out of Chris Cuomo's CNN show in record numbers and I wonder why that could possibly be ๐Ÿค”
ยท Aug 11, 2021 ยท NottheBee.com

Chris Cuomo is an objective journalist who holds powerful, oppressive leaders to account, even if they're members of his own family.

Now that we've got that laugh out of the way, let's check in with how Chris is doing over there at CNN โ€“ you know, where he totally didn't use his job as a national TV host to promote his brother while ignoring allegations of sexual harassment and polices that sent 10,000+ senior citizens to early graves.

Yikes. Last year, women were coming out as "Cuomosexual" for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, including Ellen DeGeneres, Trevor Noah, and Stephen Colbert. Here's a lovey-dovey video from ET reminding us of all the lovely people who were in love with Andrew not long ago:

Now that the governor has resigned over the sexual harassment scandal, women won't even turn on TV to watch Andrew's woke little bro.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week โ€” after the Tuesday morning announcement of James' findings regarding the governor โ€” "Cuomo Prime Time" averaged 453,000 total female viewers, of whom just 76,000 were in the advertiser-coveted age demographic of 25 to 54, according to Nielsen Media Research ratings data. (Cuomo was off Friday.)

In total female viewers, that's a 21% decrease from his second-quarter average of 570,000 and in the demo, it's a 41% decrease from his second-quarter average of 128,000. Year-to-date, total average female viewership was down last week by 45% and was down in the demo 61%. Compared to the same four days last year, "Cuomo Prime Time" was down 48% in average female viewers, falling from 878,000, and was down 64% in demo-age female viewers, falling from 213,000.

If you're wondering, Chris is on vacation right now for his birthday, but he'll reportedly be back at CNN on Monday, because CNN refuses to hold any of its journalists to the standards they impose on, say, high school kids trying to enjoy D.C.

It doesn't matter if you were caught pleasuring yourself on a Zoom call or if you used your media job to help your powerful brother get away from his scandals, CNN has a place for you!


P.S. Now treat yourself to the latest awesome video from our CEO Adam Ford about Rashida Tlaib getting busted partying maskless with tons of people after flaming Rand Paul over the same thing ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘‡

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