FBI Whistleblower Docs Show The Agency Investigated DOZENS Of Parents As Terrorists For Protesting At School Board Meetings
· May 12, 2022 · NottheBee.com

We've known for months that the Justice Department and the FBI had been targeting parents who showed up to protest mask mandates, vaccine mandates, CRT, sexual politics, and wokeness in classrooms as "domestic extremists."

But this new whistleblower document from the FBI shows exactly the extent to which the Biden Administration's war on parents has gone.

The GOP Judiciary Committee sent this letter to the Attorney General Merrick Garland detailing how Garland lied to congress and used the FBI to spy on parents as terrorists.

Here are some excerpts from the letter:

In sworn testimony before this Committee, you denied that the Department of Justice or its components were using counterterrorism statutes and resources to target parents at school board meetings. We now have evidence that contrary to your testimony, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has labeled at least dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI's Counterterrorism Division to assess and track investigations related to school boards. These cases include investigations into parents upset about mask mandates and state elected officials who publicly voiced opposition to vaccine mandates. These investigations into concerned parents are the direct result of, and would not have occurred but for, your directive to federal law enforcement to target these categories of people.

Parents who were upset about masking in schools and wanted things to go back to normal were targeted by Garland and the FBI's Counterterrorism Division headed up these investigations.

Just in case you forgot, The Left thinks YOU are the enemy.

On October 4, 2021, in response to a request from the National School Boards Association that the federal government use counterterrorism tools, including the Patriot Act, to target parents at school board meetings, you issued a memorandum directing the FBI to address these threats. The press release accompanying your memorandum highlighted the FBI's National Threat Operations Center to serve as a snitch-line for tips about parents at school board meetings. By October 20, the FBI had operationalized your directive. In an FBI-wide email, the FBI's Counterterrorism Division and Criminal Division announced the creation of a new threat tag—EDUOFFICIALS—and directed all FBI personnel to apply it to school board-related threats.

Ever wonder how much power public educators have through their unions and boards? Well, just because the National School Board Association asked, the FBI mobilized a division meant to track terrorists specifically to target frustrated parents.

That's a lot of power.

The letter featured three examples of how the Justice Department abused their power, despite the lies from Merrick Garland:

  • In one investigation begun following your directive, the FBI's [redacted] Field Office interviewed a mom for allegedly telling a local school board "we are coming for you." The complaint, which came into the FBI through the National Threat Operations Center snitch-line, alleged that the mom was a threat because she belonged to a "right wing mom's group" known as "Moms for Liberty" and because she "is a gun owner." When an FBI agent interviewed the mom, she told the agent that she was upset about the school board's mask mandates and that her statement was a warning that her organization would seek to replace the school board with new members through the electoral process.
  • The FBI's [redacted] Field Office opened an investigation, subsequent to your directive, into a dad opposed to mask mandates. The complaint came in through the National Threat Operations Center snitch-line and alleged that the dad "fit the profile of an insurrectionist" because he "rails against the government," "believes all conspiracy theories," and "has a lot of guns and threatens to use them." When an FBI agent interviewed the complainant, the complainant admitted they had "no specific information or observations of . . . any crimes or threats," but they contacted the FBI after learning the Justice Department had a website "to submit tips to the FBI in regards to any concerning behavior directed toward school boards."
  • In another case initiated after your directive, the FBI's Field Office opened an investigation into Republican state elected officials over allegations from a state Democratic party official that the Republicans "incited violence" by expressing public displeasure with school districts' vaccine mandates. This complaint also came into the FBI through the National Threat Operations Center snitch-line.

These concerned parents now have files on them at the FBI simply because they disagreed with the prevailing Democrat party line about Covid. Notice how top officials like Chuck Schumer don't get investigated when they make ambiguous threats about coming after Supreme Court justices (because the media assumes their rhetoric is always metaphorical), while the entire weight of the federal government is thrown into investigating a local mom who says she's "coming after" the school board members' positions.

We've known about the October 4 memorandum since it was issued by Merrick Garland. However, he denied that the FBI was targeting parents as terrorists.

If you speak out against Biden or the Dems online, the Ministry of Truth will get you.

If you speak out in public, the FBI will call you a terrorist and harass you.

That's the endgame.

They want to make you afraid to speak up.

They want to silence you.

But there's a solution:

We must pass laws and investigate these corrupt deep state actors at the DOJ and FBI.

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