The Democrats' obvious plans to nix all debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump before Election Day (because the debates would consist wholly of Joe Biden falling flat on his face and Donald Trump proceeding to Riverdance on his torso for hours at a time*) are moving along swimmingly.
If you've been paying attention, you've heard the rumblings increasing in volume lately. A guy here, a gal there. A "Biden supporter" here, a CNN pundit there. A Democratic strategist here, a Never Trumper there.
- "Joe Biden shouldn't debate Trump."
- "It's not safe because coronavirus."
- "We've already seen both of these guys for years, let's just let the VPs debate."
- "Trump is so evil that it would be undignified to debate him."
All going according to a precise plan that was drawn up as a prerequisite for the Dem Complex to allow "Oh No, Joe" to be their man. Because anyone with a functioning brain can see that Biden would get eaten alive — and probably lose the election — on the debate stage against Trump.
Welp, they've proceeded to the next stage of their plan: The House Queen herself, Nancy "Marble Mouth" Pelosi, just up and said there should be no debates. She went with the fourth bullet point above: Orange Man Bad So No Debates. Here she is:
EsPeCiAlLy dOn'T tElL jOe BiDeN ... OK Nance 👌
Biden is obviously aware of the plan, he knows he can't debate Trump — he can't get a single take of a 30-second pre-recorded ad done without gaffing his brains out for crying out loud.
Pelosi is Dem royalty, so if she's already coming out with it, there may be a blitz coming soon. They may even rouse King Obama to stream a video from his Martha's Vineyard Mansion at some point and talk about how irresponsible or unbecoming it would be for Joe to debate Trump.
The cry will get louder: Orange Man Bad So No Debates.
They must avoid the Trump Riverdance at all costs.
*Is anyone good at making GIFs/videos? We need one of Trump Riverdancing.