Can you guess what made this director of "The Matrix" go trans?
· May 22, 2023 ·

Who could have guessed?

The people that I saw, the first images that struck, like, a chord with me were trans women in pornography. And there was something that unlocked in my brain that I saw these wonderful, fearless performers becoming desirable. And I, in my head, I could take the leap where it felt like, if I could be desirable, then maybe I could be loved.

"Something unlocked in my brain."

I mean, it's totally sick, but this is also totally what's happening.

It should note, this is one of the Wachowski brothers (Andrew), who now goes by "Lilly." Both brothers, who directed the groundbreaking "Matrix" trilogy, now live as women. This clip was from a talk 3 years ago, but you never heard about it because the world seemed so much simpler in 2019.

Men like them start watching other men play-act as women in sexual acts, then they become attracted to these men with breasts, then they start to picture themselves as these "trans women" and sexualize themselves, and then they decide to "take the leap" and transition.

(The term for this mental disorder is "autogynephilia.")

If you say this and you aren't trans or an ally then you're "kink-shaming" and "transphobic" – a hater and a conspiracy theorist.

But if you're on their team you get laughter and applause.

Heck, you may get a Pulitzer!

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