The hypocritical, jet-setting world leaders who have gathered in Davos to tell you how to live your life in order to stop the planet from heating are true believers in the cult:
Scientifically, this is not a climate crisis...

... we are now facing something even deeper. Mass extinction, air pollution, undermining ecosystem function. Really putting humanity's future at risk.
Oh, you mean the same load of hogwash you climate crisis folks have been peddling for half a decade?
Then the next speaker jumps in to explain that, sure, the human race will go extinct, but it's going to be black people who are hurt most:
Above all, it is also a justice crisis! Many areas of the world are uninhabitable, this uninhabitable zone is increasing. If we continue with our greenhouse gas emissions, then by 2070 as many as 3 billion people will live in uninhabitable zones.
I'm just a simple country boy, but if what she is saying is true, couldn't those 3 billion people... just move? They've got 50 years to figure something out according to her doomsday figures. Maybe just keep moving to where it's cooler and use new tech.
If global warming is true, we're about to open up A LOT of NEW inhabitable land in Canada and Greenland. You give me 50 years and I'll figure out how to get there.
Next up, we have "a woman with a hat":
Our faith leaders, they know that this crisis is much more than physical and environmental schisms. We have a deeply wounded spirit as a people that is in desperate need of healing and restoration.
Yeah, because you used a gas stove while this lady flew to Switzerland, your pastor needs to get onto you about the environment. Because your gas guzzler is harming your soul.
Laugh at this now, but you know this is coming to a church near you in 2023. Remember Covid? When locking down meant loving your neighbor?
(Almighty God might have a thing or two to say about the anti-human fear-mongering, selective science, and Earth worship they peddle as "faith.")