These Catholic brothers were suspended from a Canadian school for wearing "There are only two genders" shirts. A bunch of teachers protested their return by wearing pride clothing
· May 10, 2024 ·

Why am I not surprised that in Canada you can get suspended from a public high school for wearing a shirt that says "There are only two genders"?

Like, it's Canada, of course they'll suspend you for a shirt with a simple fact on it.

A 16-year-old Catholic student at an Ontario public high school has been suspended and is facing expulsion for wearing a sweatshirt with an inscription reading, 'There are only two genders.' The young man was ordered to go to the school office, where it was demanded that he remove the hoodie or be suspended. When Malachy O'Kane said that he was just expressing his beliefs in the same way the many LGBT posters at the school were expressing opposing beliefs, the school's vice principal walked out of the room. Now, Malachy finds himself at the center of a fiery international debate on freedom of expression, biological truth, and the uncompromising LGBT agenda. As the LGBT cult rages for greater control, Malachy's unwavering stance challenges this movement — while also shining a light on the school officials who have suspended him. Despite the suspension, Malachy is standing firm, trusting in God, relying on his Catholic faith, and becoming a symbol of truth in the face of adversity.

Fighting the good fight, I see.

So Malachy O'Kane, along with his brother, Desmond, were suspended from Sharbot Lake's Granite Ridge Education Centre for wearing these factual shirts, and then when Desmond, who served a shorter suspension, returned to school, a bunch of the teachers were dressed in 2SLGBTQIA+ attire, apparently in support of the other 294 genders.

On Friday, April 26, elementary school teachers at the Sharbot Lake's Granite Ridge Education Centre wore rainbow-festooned LGBT 'Pride' clothing to work. This followed the publication of a LifeSiteNews article about the suspension of brothers Malachy and Desmond O'Kane and an interview with Malachy and his mother Kate O'Kane on Thursday, April 25.

So it's okay to use speech to promote sin, which, sorry to say, is offensive to, like, a lot of people.

Also, these "Gender Unicorn" posters are posted all throughout the school, though it sounds like those have been there for a while.

When Kate O'Kane, the boys' mother, found out the teachers were dressed in gay pride gear upon her boys' return, she had a few words with the principal during the post-suspension meeting.

'Desmond came home and said the majority of [elementary school] staff had on "Pride" and rainbow clothing,' Kate told the school officials. 'He said at least half the staff, and a lot of kids were commenting [on] why so many staff had on ‘Pride' clothes.'

'Staff are welcome to wear what they like,' stated [Principal Carrie] Moore according to material obtained by LifeSiteNews.

Moore and Kate argued briefly over the notion that wearing ‘Pride' clothing is an aggressive act, or 'about going against others.'

'If there were messages of hate and intolerance on staff shirts, then absolutely they would have been asked to remove them and there would have been follow up,' Moore told Malachy and Kate. 'But wearing a flag is not that.'

'Nor is stating that there are two genders,' stated Kate.

'That's a fact, though,' Malachy interjected.

'We will disagree on that,' the principal replied.

Moore told Malachy that there would be 'follow up' if he used 'language like that' or engaged in 'activities' or used language 'verbally that has similar messaging.' In response, Malachy informed Moore that there are two genders before questioning her authority to deem this opinion 'hate.'

Kate spoke up for other students who do not believe in transgender ideology.

'What about all of the students here?' she asked. 'The majority of these students that feel the same way, but you're telling them they're not allowed to say it?'

Sounds like a freedom of speech problem up in Canada if you ask me. You can deny reality, which the majority of Canadians believe in, but you cannot affirm reality. These are strange times.

Principal Moore told O'Kane that these thoughts, including the idea that biological males shouldn't play women's sports "should be kept inside Desmond's head" and not spoken out loud.

On the positive side, it sounds from the interview as if the O'Kane kids received a bunch of support from their classmates once they returned to school. The students have grown tired of dealing with the non-binary trend, the trans trend, and even the trend where some kids are identifying as animals and barking like dogs.

They want their real world back and they see the O'Kanes as heroes.

Not all heroes wear capes, but some wear things like this:

Keep up the good work, boys!

Somebody's gotta stand up to the alphabet cult.

I'll leave you with this LifeSite interview of mother O'Kane.

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