They can't let it go! Bloomberg seriously published THIS article in November 2023!
ยท Nov 14, 2023 ยท

I am aghast, flummoxed, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, and all the other words that mean I can't comprehend what is wrong with people.

This week - THIS WEEK! - in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three, Bloomberg had THIS story published on the internet:

Is it safe to eat indoors now? Or are we, with our 2 shots and 15 boosters, still not quite safe enough from Covid?

Please, media, tell us what to do! We can't handle this!

I was dining indoors the DAY they opened restaurants back up.

Who are these people who are so Covid crazy that they think like this in November 2023?

This was a letter written in to Bloomberg's advice column, and they answered it as if it was a totally legitimate concern.

Man, I wish this lady had written the Not the Bee advice column, she'd have the quickest and best answer of all time!

I mean, EVERYONE knows dining indoors is safe as long as you wear a mask to and from the table since the Covid germs only attack you if you're walking and not while you're sitting.

Here's part of the REAL answer from Bloomberg:

At this time last year, I was able to recite the number of Covid cases in New York from memory. Covid was so ingrained in daily life then that monitoring viral risk was as much a part of my routine as checking the weather.

In November of '22, last year, Covid was "ingrained in daily life" for this author. She checked Covid numbers LIKE THE WEATHER!

It's the blind and insane leading the insane and blind at Bloomberg.

What's more insane is how the answer ends:

As a healthy person in my mid-thirties, personally I find my risk tolerance mostly depends on whether I have a social or work event coming up that I don't want to miss if I get sick. โ€” Kristen V. Brown


I hate to break it to you, but if you are physically healthy and in your mid-30s and you're still worried about Covid in 2023, you ain't healthy.

This is a mental illness! I hope she finds a cure, but until then it's padded cell time!

You're still peddling this madness???

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