“They want us dead... how are you allowing this?” Jewish students plead with faculty at University of Washington as campus protesters call for genocide of Jews
· Oct 13, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Last night, these girls in Seattle went viral as they begged campus staff to do something about the literal calls to genocide on their campus.

Out of context, you might think this is just a campus snowflake getting worked up about people who have different views than her.

That is, until you hear what the protesters were cheering in the background:

"No peace on stolen land."

"There is only one solution: Intifada Revolution."

Do you understand what they are calling for here? It's not just an "uprising" (the meaning of "intifada") through social protest and resistance. It's men with machine guns paragliding into concerts and mowing down civilians.

It's ill advised in internet debates to invoke comparisons to the Nazis, but I'm not sure what other comparison to make. Another one of the popular slogans these protesters use is "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," which sounds nice because these maniacs know how to rhyme, but should stand the hair on the back of your neck straight up.

Israel exists between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and the only way Palestine could be "free" of them would be for the Israelis not to exist. This isn't a civil rights movement that wants equality.

That chant would be like saying, "From New York to LA, all America will be washed away!"

There's only one thing it means, and it isn't peaceful protest to address grievances.

Here's my question: For these young Jewish students who statistically vote Democrat/socialist down the line... are you going vote for the people who don't hate you now?

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