This 93-year-old is about to lose her family's Civil War-era home so Tyler Perry is building her a new one
ยท Oct 19, 2023 ยท

I love these heartwarming stories, especially when the extremely wealthy come in and provide for people. It just makes my heart happy.

Let's get you up to speed, shall we?

93-year-old Josephine Wright is currently in a legal battle with a developer, Bailey Point Investment Group, which says part of her home is on the land they purchased on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Mrs. Josephine is a grandmother of 40 kids, a great-grandmother of 50 and a great-great-grandmother of 17, so you know this home means a lot to her and the family that surrounds her.

The legal battle has grown so fierce, and the family so desperate that they've even set up a GoFundMe for Grandma Josephine.

Here's what the fundraiser has to say:

Bailey Point Investment, a greedy land development company, is trying to take her property away from her as her land is situated right in the middle of their new residential subdivision, currently under construction. This land has been in our family since the end of the Civil War and she has poured her heart and soul into maintaining the property for herself and her family to enjoy for generations to come.

Unfortunately, Bailey Point Investment is trying to force her off the land so they can develop it for their profit. The harassment this poor woman has endured and is still suffering at the hands of this unscrupulous company is unimaginable. She's being unfoundedly sued by Bailey Point for encroachment. They claim her back porch, (still standing), and shed, (which was removed for over $2,000), are encroaching on to their new property.

Bailey Point has even paved a road a mere 22 feet from Josephine's back porch. So with the legal battle playing out and this nudging of Josephine from the land, it was time for someone to step in to save the day โ€” someone who'd already pledged over the summer to help Mrs. Josephine once he caught wind of her trouble. That man is none other than Tyler Perry.

Yes, Mr. Perry, you are a genuine hero for what you're doing here: Building a brand new home for Grandma Josephine and her family. Here's the update on that GoFundMe page:

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Tyler Perry for his generous contribution towards helping Grandma Josephine build her new home. Tyler Perry's friendship has made a significant difference in Grandma's life, and we are truly thankful for his kindness and generosity.

Perry is straight up building Grandma Josephine a new house right there on Hilton Head Island. The most wholesome news story of the week right here!

Another celeb, NBA star Kyrie Irving, is named on the GoFundMe page, throwing a full $64,000 into the mix.

You gotta love it when celebs do stuff like this. I mean, you've got the money, why not put it to good use?

So now, with help from these fine gentlemen, Grandma Josephine and her family will have a nice new home hopefully far enough away from the new development.

We need more of this, wealthy America. More of this.

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