Ladies and gentlemen, this here is the most ice-cold gunslinging lawman in all of Washington:
[Warning: Violence]
Dude calmly parked, put down his coffee, grabbed his rifle, sighted in with his red dot, used the cruiser to brace himself, then downed an active shooter at 183 yards!
He was probably whistling the "Andy Griffith" tune the whole time too.
Suspect down.
Absolutely legendary.
More on this incident:
And from KIRO 7:
The Pierce County Force Investigation Team released the video as part of its ongoing investigation into the shooting. Investigators concluded Collins fired off 15 rounds, while Tacoma police officers returned nine rounds, all of them over a 16-minute period.
The last shot came from a TPD officer, identified as Christopher Munn, who fired his weapon 183 yards away.
If we get Officer Munn together with Eli Dickens, we could take out every bad guy from LA to New York!
P.S. Now check out our latest video π