A dad took his kid to see the Houston Astros play against the New York Yankees and just about broke his fingers reaching over the fence in an attempt to snatch a foul ball from a Yankees outfielder.
The TV crew hunted this man down and it was well worth it:
I apologize to the Astros organization. I didn't know... y'all gotta understand when it drops down, it looks like it's coming directly to you, so I reached and my body went for what I know. But we did have a wonderful moment.
His description of the crowd's reaction is solid gold:
The reaction was: Shock, disgust, happiness, sweat, a little bit of lust, baby. Ya feel me? I was in there feeling kinda hurt. My fingers still shakin' a little bit. The ball WAY heavier with the gravity. I'm not gonna lie to you.
I need this guy on EVERY MLB broadcast.
This is pure entertainment right here.
Truthfully, Houston loves me and I love Houston...
(As he wears a Kansas City Royals cap.)
and they cannot stop me from supporting the Asteroids!
They're called the Astros, but I get it.
The officials at the game even pulled the man aside, and he was afraid he was going to get tossed from the park.
So what happened was, I almost had to give a BOP BOP BOP BOP real quick on 'em! But they wasn't listening to me, so I showed some love and they let me come back. They really was just tryin' to make sure that I wasn't hurt and making sure I didn't go over the rail. So salute to the whole organization.
Barstool, OutKick, some sports outlet, find this guy and give him a contract.
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