Hope those fAcT-cHecKeRs are ready to put their spin on this one:
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN): "We just celebrated Passover. Passover, Jewish people are instructed over 2 centuries to remember - uh over 2,000 years - to remember that we were in bondage and we escaped and to remember that day and teach other people about it."
First of all, Jews have been celebrating Passover for about 3,500 years, but yeah, lecture us on how devout you are in your Judaism and biblical exposition.
Second of all, you're saying that the people who rioted because they feel their God-hating, materialistic government is oppressing them are similar to Pharaoh in the Exodus story? Bro.

"January 6 is a day like that. It's a day that should be remembered in America because our democracy was at stake."
[Narrator: Democracy was not, in fact, at stake, from a bunch of unarmed dumb dumbs who decided to break into the Capitol.]
Here's where it really went full clown town:
"This was an attack on our democracy as much as Pearl Harbor was an attack on our country, and for people to suggest that it wasn't that big of a deal, that it was just some folks who were demonstrating and protesting, and most of the people were just good people – they were mostly just fine citizens going up there to protest: malarkey. This was an attack on the United States Constitution. They wanted to upset the electoral college and to make Donald Trump the president to eliminate people who stood in his way, which included the vice president, which included the Speaker of the House, and they wanted to intimidate Congress to support Ted Cruz's position."

This is the serious narrative these people believe.
For comparison, here was the Capitol riot:
Here was Pearl Harbor:
To suggest otherwise is immensely disgusting.
It's also disgusting to imply that everyone at the Capitol was akin to the Japanese warplanes that raided a neutral nation and killed thousands of innocent people – some of whom are still entombed in ships at the bottom of the Pacific.
To call this a clown show is to insult clowns. Then again, this is CNN.