Mimi Israelah flew into Anchorage, Alaska from California in the wee hours of the morning for the rally Trump held there last week, but was pulled over for swerving in her rental car after leaving the airport (driving at 4am after a red eye is not a great idea).
When the officers asked for her ID, she couldn't find it, but she did have a gag card that says "White Privilege Trumps Everything."
The officers found it hilarious, because they are normal human beings who understand things like jokes and laughter.
I imagine the woman had her ID somewhere, considering she just got off the plane, but either way the officers were nice and let her go without a ticket.
"White Adjacency"
Translation: If you think differently than what lefties think people of your skin tone should think like, then you are evil.
"I know that there are people of color that weave and they get ticketed," said Celeste Hodge Growden, president of the Alaska Black Caucus. "They don't have that white privilege, get-out-of-a-citation card."
I guarantee you that cops would find it hilarious if a black guy pulled out a "Official Oppression" card to mock the lefties!
But we can't laugh in today's world. No siree. That's why, after the mob got angry, the Anchorage Police Department announced it was opening an investigation into this clear case of white supremacy.
The police chief even sent this message:
As law enforcement professionals, we are held accountable for our actions, and I am aware that the action of one officer can impact the trust between the police force and our community. I know we are all human. But we belong to a profession that does not tolerate, practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form of discrimination. This profession requires our employees to treat everyone with respect and be culturally aware and competent.
Yes, stop this evil white woman who wants to enslave people of color!
Oh, did I forget to remind you that Mimi is Filipino?
Like I said, lefties can't stand people of color thinking outside the box. They want them to think and act like they want them to think, like good little slaves.
And they most certainly can't stand when people make fun of them by creating gag items that mock their precious sacred cows!
If you want to get your own official "White Privilege" or "100% Oppressed" race cards, you can get them here:
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇