A Florida school board member in Indian River is facing calls to be fired after sharing a Babylon Bee story. No joke.
Dr. Gene Posca is facing defamation and threats to his job after he posted this (hilarious) Babylon Bee headline:
600 people have signed a petition sponsored by the Indian River NAACP and Indian River Freedom Coalition to remove Dr. Posca from the school board because it's deeply offensive to share satire.
If you want to see how unhinged the outrage is, just read this piece from Vero News. The lefty author is totally indignant and in shock.
At a board meeting a few weeks ago, Dr. Posca defended his post.
(Statement starts at 2:18:36, timestamped below)
I want to say that I think the sharing of a Babylon Bee article shouldn't be deeply offensive. It's a satirical comedy news organization, I think everybody knows that. But if it does offend you, I'd have to ask... why. And is it because of the inherent element of truth of the history of the Democrat Party that offends you?
Man, I am so glad I found this statement in the middle of a 3-hour meeting. This dude is absolutely based.

The good doctor then goes into the history of the Democrat Party and race. He goes full Dinesh D'Souza on them in an epic rant that caused people to walk out of the meeting because they were big mad.
If you were truly offended by this... I would recommend considering that maybe this Babylon Bee article offends you because the history is offensive to you.
I love and care about every person I meet and always treat them fairly and with respect. And I think the vast majority of people who are registered Democrats are wonderful people, I'm friends with many.
Any comments I have about a "Democrat" is referring to leadership.
I'm gonna continue to do my duty as elected. To make our schools safer. To focus on teaching, not indoctrinating. To fight for our community's basic human rights as this board has repeatedly fought to obstruct them as they tried to do last week in these very board meetings.
Posca is literally having his right to free speech infringed because he shared a Babylon Bee story!
He's receiving death threats because he thinks The Bee is funny.
Clearly, the Left is mad that this school board is now a Moms-for-Liberty influenced board. Dr. Posca and others, including a homeschool mom, have been working diligently to rid the public schools of leftwing indoctrination and grooming.
The hard truth? They don't care about the Babylon Bee story. They just want an excuse to attack conservatives.
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