This is a real article from the New York Times
· Jan 21, 2021 ·

Gaze upon this, dear reader, in all of its glory:

Yes that's real and yes it's from the New York Times.

Catch that subtitle though: "Something about some men just makes it difficult to keep that mask where it should be." My goodness gracious.

Tell me you didn't read that line in your head in the hoarse voice of a gruff feminist.

This entire article actually just slams men for letting their masks slip underneath their nose and says that only men do that. And was written by a dude! Oh man what a weenie. He actually uses the word "manslipping." 😭

Here's a quote from this ... guy talking about how virtuous he is:

I don't let my mask slip, but it's not because I'm pure at heart. It's because I'm terrified. I'm scared of the virus and of breaking rules.

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