Alright, this dude looks like Steven Crowder in a wig with a comically large prosthetic bust.
However, it's not some comedy gag. It's just your normal everyday high school teacher who is apparently allowed to come to work like this: wig, makeup, and prosthetic breasts the size of a baby rhinoceros.
From Reduxx:
Photos and videos out of a Canadian High School are going viral as they show a male teacher wearing what appears to be large, prosthetic breasts in full view of young students.
Shocking media first began to circulate on Twitter earlier this week, with multiple accounts sharing a mobile phone video and stills of a shop teacher demonstrating how to use a circular drill.
The teacher is seen wearing an extremely prominent prosthetic bust, one which clearly outlines the nipples through his tight shirt. He is also donning a bright blonde wig and short-shorts.
Oh, there are photos and videos because you know the kids have to be laughing at him.
I saw that saw coming down and I thought we were about to say goodbye to those excessively large fake bosoms.
That has GOT to be a safety hazard.
Why in the world are we letting this sexually and mentally disturbed individual show up to a school and teach kids?
What is wrong with you, Canada?

But I'm sure that the school is super inclusive, probably even calls the teacher by his preferred pronouns. And of course, they wouldn't wanna "kink-shame."
Multiple photos and videos have surfaced of the same individual instructing young students, and in all of them he is wearing the oversized bust.
The media has been confirmed as originating from Oakville Trafalgar High School in Oakville, Ontario.
The man seen in the photos and videos is a Manufacturing Technology instructor who allegedly began identifying as a woman last year. The teacher now goes by the name Kayla Lemieux.
"The kids here most definitely don't think its normal… but realistically we can't say anything," one student said on Twitter, "Last year, the teacher was a man. I don't think the school can fire him."
Lemieux is listed within the faculty directory on the OTHS website. His official school e-mail address is also connected to a Google account which has a photo visually verifying his identity.
The school has confirmed that this individual who used to identify as a man and now dresses as a woman and identifies with that gender is employed at the school.
Who cares if a teacher has a weird sexual proclivity they pass off as an "identity" in order to expose it to children at school?
It's all about "diversity", right?
Reduxx reached out to OTHS administrators for comment, and they did confirm that Lemieux is currently employed at the school, but refused any further questions.
Oakville Trafalgar High School is overseen by the Halton District School Board (HDSB), which has recently begun promoting gender identity ideology in schools in recent years.
In October 2021, HDSB released guidelines regarding Gender Identity and Gender Expression in Schools.
"The Halton District School Board (HDSB) recognizes the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression," reads the policy.
"The HDSB is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all members of the school community including… staff… who identify as, or are perceived as … trans … and those who are questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity(ies)."
The school is "inclusive." They can't do anything about someone who identifies as a minority, that would be hateful.
So, for now, this dude will continue to show up like this to work.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇