This is why you should take it easy on the tequila when you're in Mexico.
This lady — I assume she's a coastal American — really started feeding a random bull on the beach in Cabo.
She was feeding it from a bowl. Seriously. 👇
This was all fun and games until the woman decided she didn't want to feed the bull anymore, so she walked away and set her stuff down about 100 feet away.
The bull followed (duh).
What happens next is exactly what you'd expect to happen if you mess around with a flippin' bull in Mexico.
[Warning: Violence]

You mess with the bull, you get the horns. Not much else to say to this lady.
The female tourist, who was not identified, was face to face with the bull as she stood under her tent at Baja California Sur in Cabo on Saturday …
Fortunately, a brave woman carrying a bucket of water runs out from behind a truck and throws water at the bull, causing it to run away from the tourist, who scrambles to safety.
Los Cabos Federal Maritime-Terrestrial Zone operational coordinator Víctor Manuel Torres García told the Sudcaliforniano that federal employees do not regularly patrol the beach where the attack happened, so no report was made.
He added that the condition and identity of the tourist gored by the bull are unknown.
And now you've got to seek medical attention in Mexico.

Full video here:
You can see her get up and walk away at the end, so here's praying the injuries were minor.
You may be wondering where this bull came from, so I'll tell you there are many ranches nearby to the beach, and occasionally the animals get free.
So if you ever see a bull on the beach in Mexico, don't be like this lady.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇