Fifteen-year-old Ohio teen Isaiah Krekeler was metal detectoring on vacation at Myrtle Beach when he overheard another beachgoer tell police that he had lost an engagement ring.
Add this to the list of reasons getting engaged at the beach is not a good idea. (1. Too Cliche 2. Too much sand)

The poor guy, probably nervous about his upcoming proposal, said the ring fell out of his pocket somewhere on the beach while they were taking photos before he ever had the chance to pop the question.
Isaiah Krekeler offered the assistance of his metal detector and within minutes the ring was restored to its rightful owner, who was then able to give it to his girlfriend.

The Myrtle Beach Police Department shared the story on its Facebook page:
Isaiah Krekeler said he isn't expecting a monetary reward but he told Good Morning America what he thought would be just compensation:
If they have a son, name the son after me.