This museum visitor decided he wanted a snack so he ate a $120,000 piece of modern art taped to the wall 🤣
· May 1, 2023 ·

Last Thursday, Noh Huyn-soo, a student at Seoul National University, visited the Leeum Museum of Art in South Korea and he got a little hungry.

Noh had skipped breakfast that morning and while wandering the halls of the museum he spotted a banana taped to the wall, and I guess the hunger got the best of him as he decided to treat himself to a snack right then and there.

The problem?

The banana taped to the wall is a piece of art valued at $120,000.

Some museum-goers were SHOCKED when Noh started chowing down on the banana, and one person even got a video which is posted to Instagram.

The best part?

After he was done eating, which he took more than a minute to do, he politely taped the peel back to the wall.

Him eating the symbol of modern "art" was more artistic than any of the butt-ugly modernism I've seen in my entire life!

He picked up on the symbolism too:

In a subsequent interview with the local news outlet KBS, Noh argued that "damaging a work of modern art could also be artwork."

"Isn't it taped there to be eaten?"

Well done, Noh!

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