You ever wonder why you're never able to get through to liberals while talking politics with them? Well, that's because we pretty much live in two different realities.
Just look at this Pew Research poll of registered voters, half of which support Trump, and half of which support Biden.

These topics sometimes are grouped together as "culture war" or "woke" issues.
On most - but not all - of these topics, voters who support President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have starkly different opinions ...
Across more than 30 measures, some of the widest differences are on issues that have divided Americans for decades: the role of guns in society, as well as race and the legacy of slavery.
Yet, Biden and Trump supporters also have very different opinions across many other topics likely to be focal points in the campaign: gender identity and sexual orientation, crime and policing, reproductive issues, the influence of religion on society and the changes that have transformed life in the U.S. in recent decades.
So it looks like we're split at an extreme level over gun ownership, race relations, immigration, gender ideology, crime, marriage, the nuclear family, and many more topics.
Here are some other key issues from the poll:
Just for fun, here's who is comfortable with using pErSonAL pRoNouNs:
This poll was taken from April 8-14, and included 8,709 adults, 7,166 of whom are registered voters.
I'll tell you this, the one thing everyone would have agreed on — Biden and Trump supporters alike — would've been a great question from Pew: Is America at the point where we need a national divorce?
United we stand, divided we fall; might as well separate before it's too late.
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