This week, unelected Bond-villain Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, discussed how he plans to rule us little people for the next few centuries.
Freaking globalist dweebs.
Same freaking energy:

They say: "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."
Pretty much everyone in power is in bed with these guys. Unless you're a self-made billionaire like Trump or Elon Musk, or you're a firebrand for liberty like Rand Paul, you're probably in bed with the WEF and its ilk to some extent.
One guy who isn't taking it is Ron DeSantis of Florida.
After the above Schwab clip went viral, people began sharing this statement from DeSantis back in August:
I want to have the values, not of Davos imposed on us, but in places like Destin and Dunedin, where I grew up.
Things like the World Economic Forum, those policies are dead on arrival in the state of Florida. We are not going to go down that road.
DeSantis took the first step against the woke Davos crew by eliminating ESG considerations from state pension investments earlier this year.
He doesn't just talk a good game. He actually puts Florida first and America first.