We must never forget all the brave men, women, non-binary folx, and trans-masculine bunselfs out there putting a thin blue line between civilization and total lawless anarchy:
That's right: This 100% female woman lady with an Adam's apple committed "historic" sex offenses against multiple children:
Seven children who were sexually abused in Sussex between 26 and 33 years ago have seen justice done after their abuser was jailed for 20 years on Thursday, September 8.
Sally Ann Dixon, 58, of Swanmore Avenue, Havant, Hants, was sentenced at Lewes Crown Court after being convicted of 30 indecent assaults against her [sic] victims.
She [sic] was given an 18-year custodial sentence, with an additional two years to be served on extended licence.
Nothing to see here. Just the British police playing along with a sick pervert's fantasies about being a woman instead of calling him a deranged man and throwing him in a dark hole for the rest of his days.
Oh, and don't even THINK about misgendering said sick pervert:
It must have been so comforting to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to know she was departing with the British realm in such good shape.
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