Terry McAuliffe bombed so badly in Virginia that the White House wants him to fail upwards by working for the Biden administration ๐Ÿ˜‚
ยท Nov 11, 2021 ยท NottheBee.com

Terry McAuliffe's humiliating defeat in Virginia last week might, in other times, have made him politically radioactive and a Democratic party pariah, at least for a few years. But, like a tough high school football coach with a wayward but talented quarterback, the Biden administration reportedly sees potential in him:

Punchbowl News reported Thursday that White House officials are looking to place the former Democratic National Committee chair somewhere in the hierarchy. The report cited "multiple high-level sources familiar with the White House's thinking."

It is unclear what position McAuliffe would hold, but the report noted that he is not actively seeking work in the administration.

Rumor has it that the Biden administration is considering McAuliffe for its first ever Democratic Dance Czar!

Nah for real though: they probably just want him to deputy direct the Office of Management and Budget or something. You gotta love it!

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