Trudeau's newest talking point ..."environmental racism"
· Mar 4, 2022 ·

This week on The Incredibly Stupid Thing Justin Trudeau Said Show!

Environmental racism, the newest fad among Canadian liberals.

Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change (and convicted criminal) posted an unintentionally hilarious clip on Justin Trudeau speaking in Parliament on Bill C226, the "environmental racism" bill.

Whatever that means...

Trudeau stood up in Parliament and said, "We know that the impacts of climate change are felt more acutely by marginalized or minority groups and this bill would ensure environmental racism is addressed and prevented. I've mandated the Minister of the Environment to develop an environmental justice strategy and our support for this bill is part of our plan to seriously address this issue."

I'm sure his years as an actor prepared him for this because I really don't know how he kept a straight face!

I have to admit, lefties can get pretty darn creative with what they can call out "racism" on.

"We know that the impacts of climate change are felt more acutely by marginalized or minority groups," says Trudeau... but do we? Do we really know that?

Or this this just another opportunity to virtue signal and control people?

I think I know...

Climate change + racism = environmental racism!

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