Watch Trump talk about God's providence while talking about surviving that assassination attempt
ยท Aug 29, 2024 ยท

Friends, I won't lie to you.

This makes me tear up just a little.

Watch Trump talk about God sparing his life on that fateful July evening and what he thinks that means.

There had to be some great power. Because you can't just say a millions to one, millions to one! I used to see 'a million to one' it's much more than that ... there has to be a reason to go right, I never go right ... it's for about an eighth of a second ... out of all the time that we're on this planet it's about 1/8 of a second, right? So I shouldn't be with you.

Those are the odds, right? Trump should not have survived that night. But he did.

Dr. Phil asks if there's a purpose and Trump's answer just moves you.

Trump: I mean the only thing I can think is that God loves our country and He thinks we're gonna bring our country back. He wants to bring it back ... It has to be God. How can you say it's luck when it's 20 million to one? It's just not possible that I was in that position. It's the only position where it could have missed.

Dr. Phil: And you believe in God?

Trump: I do.

Dr. Phil: You believe God's hand was in this that day?

Trump: I believe so, yeah, I do.

Dr. Phil: And you talk about the country, you believe you have more to do. You're not done. You were spared for a reason.

Trump: Well, God believes that, I guess. We'll have to see.

Trump's not a theologian. He has said he doesn't need repentance.

But I'm still waiting for his political opponents to give God even the smallest amount of acknowledgment or credit like Trump does.

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