Deadpool breaks the 4th wall with park visitors by joking about Disney's attempt to get lawsuit dropped: "Had to read all the terms and conditions" ๐Ÿ’€
ยท Aug 29, 2024 ยท

Did you guys hear about the woman who died of an allergic attack after asking a Disney restaurant about its allergens?

Did you hear how Disney wanted a wrongful death lawsuit tossed because her husband signed up for a Disney+ trial years ago and Disney+'s fine print says you waive the right to sue the company?

Yeah, well, I guess the park employees who play Deadpool get to be as blunt as Ryan Reynolds in the Marvel films!

Does that guy still have a job? I hope so! Making fun of Disney is the best thing I've seen at Disney in a decade!

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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