Tyreek Hill, the Miami Dolphins, and the media are really leaning into the "racist cops" narrative ... they must have forgotten that there's footage of him breaking the law
· Sep 10, 2024 · NottheBee.com

My dude, this isn't 2020. We're done with this narrative.

"I'm not a big believer in dividing people..."

[Proceeds to explain how America needs to be fundamentally changed so he can speed on the roadway and not comply with peace officers.]

It's really dumb...

But man oh man is the media EATING IT UP.

Look at how the Associated Press LATHERS on the Narrative™.

For many, Hill's encounter with police drives home a reality that Black men in particular disproportionately experience what he did. Even if the encounter doesn't end in tragedy, it confirms an ongoing need for the talk.

Hill wondered what would have happened if he wasn't a celebrity.

'If I wasn't Tyreek Hill, worst-case scenario, we would have had a different article — "Tyreek Hill got shot in front of Hard Rock Stadium." That's worst-case scenario,' his said in a CNN on Monday.

Fact of life for Black Americans

Other Black Dolphins players said they were used to seeing the kind of police conduct that Hill experienced.

'I won't say it was scary. It's something I'm used to seeing,' linebacker David Long Jr. said.

Man, that sounds so sad, doesn't it?

America is just like, the worst!

That would be true except for, you know, all the facts.

There is literal video of Tyreek speeding. Lots of rumors state it was more than 100 mph, but the cops on the ground stated it was 60 mph (which is why he got cited for not wearing a seatbelt and careless driving, as opposed to reckless driving).

Here's the video. You'll see Tyreek's black sports car drive by on the left.

That's clearly a speed trap. Police in every county of every state across America set up speed traps to make sure people are following the law.

And Tyreek got caught in it.

Nothing racist about it!

The Miami Dolphins decided to toe the line by throwing the officers under bus while talking up their support of the police:

Let's talk about why Tyreek was briefly detained.

From Newsweek:

After reviewing the police body camera footage from Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill's viral detainment, former Boca Raton Police Chief Andrew J. Scott tells Newsweek, "I don't think any of the officers did anything wrong."


Body cam footage released Monday shows officers repeatedly asking the NFLer to roll down his tinted car window, but Hill does not comply and rolls the window up.

'As a well-trained police officer, this is now a potentially dangerous situation for me,' Scott told Newsweek on Tuesday. 'I can't see the driver. He's not following commands. He's in a 5000-pound vehicle that he could speed away. Maybe he's going to grab a weapon. I'm concerned. Let me pull him out and get him onto the ground, and let's find out what's going on.'

We've all seen the videos of police officer who got shot or hit by/dragged with a car in such scenarios.

'The manner in which he was pulled to the ground, to me, is what we're supposed to do,' said Scott, who has a doctorate in criminal justice and more than 30 years experience in law enforcement. 'That portion of the video definitely tells me that the police officers acted in accordance with their training and policy.'

Feel free to watch what happened when Tyreek didn't listen to the officer with the thick Hispanic accent who ordered him to get out of the car.

If you spend any time learning martial arts or practice force-on-force scenarios (how to control a potential threat with proper use of force), you might understand how insanely hard it is to safely control an aggressive person ... in public ... on a busy road. And the local police explained as much in this statement:

This is why police practice these standard maneuvers over and over again. The Hispanic Miami cops aren't restraining you or handcuffing you because they want to live out some Civil-War-era plantation owner fantasy. They're doing it because you're being a knucklehead and they have to control the situation to keep the peace.

Instead of reporting on that, the media wants us to know the rich black athlete only got away from those racist cops because he's famous.

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