Let's pop over to England real quick and see what the lads are up to.
Lawyer Elspeth Duemmer Wrigley works with an organization connected to Britain's Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs. She was one of three people who signed a letter to the department last October warning of a totalitarian crackdown on anyone who criticized the gender Nazis, saying that the government's equal, impartial treatment of citizens was at risk of being lost.
From The Times:
The confidential letter, seen by The Times, makes serious claims about a "small number of active gender ideologues" embedded in the civil service who brief against ministers and seek to alter official documents.
Elspeth will now face a TRIBUNAL.
I imagine it will look something like this:
She's also being SUED by another employee.
Duemmer Wrigley will appear at an employment tribunal next week accused of harassment for several comments and posts shared in the workplace. An employee of another body affiliated to [the department] is suing the government department for allowing the network to exist and Duemmer Wrigley personally for her views.
What is "the network," you ask?
Why, Elspeth leads SEEN (Sex Equality and Equity Network), a group of civil servants who think men can't be women and that the trans gestapo shouldn't run the government.
(Radical, I know!)
Elspeth is now raising money for her defense. She has this to say about why she is being sued:
I am being sued for comments and posts made in the workplace, including:
- A statement made during a seminar on 'Women and Autism' in which I stated that ‘only women menstruate'.

- A post listing the 9 protected characteristics from the Equality Act, which highlighted that gender expression, gender identity and gender were not listed as protected characteristics. This followed errors in staff training where some or all of these were included
- A link shared to a well known children's book, "My Body is Me" by Rachel Rooney https://www.transgendertrend.com/product/my-body-is-me/
- A link shared to a SEEN website published interview with detransitioner and fellow civil servant Ritchie Herron https://seen-network.uk/posts/2023-03-12-detrans-awareness-day/
- A link shared to a SEEN website piece written by a young lesbian colleague discussing her Jamaican heritage and experience of being a lesbian in the civil service. https://seen-network.uk/posts/2023-03-27-why-is-seen-important-to-me-v/
- In addition, I am being sued for a statement made in July 2022 on an internal work forum in which I explained why I was gender critical
Here is a pull quote from that internal work message. Remember, this is why she faces a tribunal and a lawsuit.
There are many protected beliefs in our organisation, some religious (such as Christitianity) and some philosophical (such as veganism). Some people believe that we all have a gender (sometimes ‘gender identity') separate from our biological sex; that sex is a spectrum, and that biological sex is an idea that first emerged with white European colonisation. Such beliefs are protected by law.
Other people, such as myself, hold that sex is binary (male and female), fundamentally biological and an important category to recognise in language, laws, sport and [the] workplace. These beliefs, sometimes called ‘gender critical' are also protected by law.
Spot any lies there?
She said her religious, political, and philosophical beliefs should be upheld equally under the law, which is what the law says in free nations.
But Britain is more like Pakistan these days, where you get stoned or beheaded for insulting the holy prophet.
Can you really be sued for saying things like this? It appears you can.
Elspeth says this case may decide the fate of speech within the government. If she loses, Britain may be lost to the gender Nazis forever.
If the claim succeeds, it's likely that any gender critical statements (even ones as reasonable as the above) are likely to be difficult if not impossible to make within the Civil Service and its related bodies.
The free world stands upon the edge of a knife, ladies and gentlemen.
(And I do mean ladies and gentlemen.)
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇