Unbelievable: This 4-year-old boy fell 70 feet off a cliff and walked away with barely a scratch
· Oct 20, 2021 · NottheBee.com

What we have here is clearly a combination of God's grace, the favorable application of the Newtonian laws of physics that were designed by God, and a little bit more of God's grace:

The boy and his parents were hiking near Princess Arch on Friday when he slipped and fell, hitting "multiple ledges" before landing about 70 feet below, the Wolfe County Search and Rescue Team told news outlets. The father scrambled after the boy and called for help.

When Wolfe County Search and Rescue arrived on the scene, they were relieved to find the boy alert and talking.

"Miraculously, the child was relatively unscathed. He's kind of scraped up and bruised but otherwise generally unhurt," said Drew Stevens, spokesperson for Wolfe County Search and Rescue.

Absolutely amazing.

Here's the original post from Wolfe County Search & Rescue:

The father didn't just call for help. He scrambled down the cliff face, got his son, and started running toward a highway as he called for help, in true super-dad form.

But imagine falling off the roof of a 7-story-building, bouncing off a few windowsills and satellite dishes along the way, and being totally fine.

You're either a cat, or extremely lucky.

And in my experience, there is no such thing as luck.

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