University of Wisconsin walks away from $800 MILLION, as well as faculty raises, to keep DEI programs intact 🤡
· Dec 11, 2023 ·

The University of Wisconsin nearly came to an agreement with Republicans in the State Assembly over the weekend concerning funding for the university system and faculty raises, but the Board of Regents just couldn't let go of their beloved "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" programs.

$800 million (!!) in funding was on the table, along with across-the-board faculty raises within the UW system. In return came a list of concessions from Assembly Republicans that were to limit the system's DEI programs. It looked as if a deal had been struck until at the last minute the Board of Regents backed out.

Yes, the university has 43 DEI positions.

What does that even mean?!?

Here's that list of concessions brought to the table by Assembly Republicans in return for the funding.

  • A cap on all DEI hires, to remain in place for three years.
  • Renaming and redefining the positions of one-third of DEI staff — about 45 system employees — to roles more closely related to student success.
  • A three-year freeze on all new administrative hires across the system.
  • Elimination of the UW TOP program, an initiative to promote diverse faculty hires, to be replaced, starting next year, with a program promoting faculty who support underrepresented and "at-risk" students.
  • Excising the diversity statement currently included on applications to two UW campuses.
  • Creating a new endowed faculty chair at UW Madison dedicated to conservative economic thought, classical economics or classical liberalism.
  • Implementing a new module on free expression for all entering undergraduate students.
  • Adoption of a guaranteed admissions program for the top 10 percent of state high school graduates, who would automatically be accepted to all UW campuses except Madison, which would take the top 5 percent.

After receiving backlash from the faculty union, student groups, and Democrats in the Assembly, the Board of Regents eventually rejected this deal from Republicans 9-8, leaving that $800 million on the table along with those across-the-board raises for the UW system's 39,000 employees.

It really shows you where these people's priorities are, doesn't it?

  • They'd rather teach kids about George Floyd than teach them about George Washington.
  • They'd rather admit students based on their skin color rather than their grades.
  • They'd rather hire someone strictly based on skin color or ideology rather than their actual merits.

Oh look, here's one of those DEI hires now:

That's Dr. Sami Schalk, a real UW professor. I'm dead serious.

These are the kinds of hires the Board of Regents gave up $800 million for.

I honestly don't think there's much of a chance of this bargain coming back up for debate, so it seems the university system will lose out on this $800 million.

And to that I say, well:

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