Unknown Person Vandaliz—I Mean "Renames" NYC Subway Stop in Honor of RBG
· Sep 21, 2020 · NottheBee.com

In New York City on Saturday night, an unknown person "renamed" the 50th Street Subway stop "RUth St." in an apparent tribute to the recently passed Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The confused news media doesn't seem to understand what the word "rename" means or what it takes to rename a street.

According to the media coverage, it is apparent that any Joe Schmoe can deface the subway, rearrange numbers into letters and it counts as "renaming" the subway stop and not vandalizing.

As long as it is honoring the right person it is a touching tribute.

I look forward to the glowing coverage when the next stop on the C train is renamed "Trump St." or "Clarence Thomas Ave." or, hopefully soon, "Amy Coney Barrett Blvd." I am sure it will be completely accepted, not decried, and definitely left up. After all, it isn't vandalism, the stop is just being renamed.

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