According to yesterday's reports, cocaine was found "near" the White House, prompting an evacuation.
However, in today's reporting from WaPo and the DailyMail, it is now clear that this wasn't a bag of coke tossed over a fence and found on the White House lawn.
No, the bag of cocaine was found inside the White House in the library.
The library is two floors below the president's residence and is part of the White House tour.
But with all the security measures in place, are you telling me a tourist snuck a bag of legit cocaine into the most secure location on earth???
Which begs the question: Who would have access to sneak something past security like that?
I've gotta ask it again:

Mystery ensued over the July 4 holiday over who brought cocaine into the White House after the Secret Service discovered a white powder substance in the library on Sunday evening.
A dispatch call reviewed by reveals a preliminary test found that the white powder tested positive for cocaine – leading to an evacuation of the White House premises.
The library at the White House is under 24-hour surveillance and has a live webcam, so surely Secret Service will be able to identify the culprit.
Oh, and by the way:
The discovery came two days after Hunter, 52, was last seen at the White House as he headed to Camp David with his father for the long holiday weekend.
Hunter was at the White House 2 days before this discovery???
That's a heck of a coincidence, isn't it?
Just sayin'!