U.S. intercepts three cruise missiles fired at Israel from Yemen
· Oct 20, 2023 · NottheBee.com

The USS Carney, a Navy guided-missile destroyer in the Red Sea, intercepted three cruise missiles fired north from Yemen, in addition to eight drones.

The missiles and drones were reportedly fired by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The Pentagon said the missiles and drones were likely heading towards targets in the Jewish state.

The action marks the first time in recent history that a U.S. ship has intercepted missiles in the Middle East not aimed at the ship itself.

The USS Carney is part of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group sent to the region as part of the U.S.'s commitment to protecting allies and interests in the region.

Tensions continue to increase as the Ford will soon be joined by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group.

Brig. Gen. Ryder said,

By posturing these U.S. naval assets and advanced fighter aircraft in the region, we aim to send a strong message intended to deter a wider conflict to bolster regional stability and of course to make it clear that we will protect and defend our national security interests.

It is widely known that the Palestinian attack on Israel was funded and planned by Iran, though the Middle Eastern nation is now blaming the U.S. for the conflict.

The Houthi involvement shows that Iran intends to escalate the war beyond Israel and Palestine. There are some worries that U.S. ships in the region will be targeted.

A former Pentagon official said,

The larger concern is if Iran now considers U.S. ships fair game. Because if the Houthis shoot at a U.S. ship there will be little doubt that it would have been at Tehran's direction.

That said, there is nothing to suggest, no known reason to believe that Iran wants a fight with the U.S. and/or Israel. So, hopefully things calm down.

(Ummm… isn't this the nation that shouts "Death to Israel. Death to the United States"? That sounds like a "known reason" to me.)

And after the Palestinian-affiliated terrorist group Hamas killed 1,400 Israelis in a surprise attack, Israel has vowed to wipe Hamas out completely.

So, it's doubtful things will "calm down" anytime soon.

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