WATCH: British police have reportedly arrested a man for racial "hate crimes" after he posted a video criticizing migrants putting Palestinian flags everywhere
ยท Nov 1, 2023 ยท

Anarchotyranny is when you have the "free speech" right to wave the Palestinian flag in the streets but you'll be arrested for a "hate crime" if you say anything against it.

That appears to be what is happening in Britain as a viral video shows London Police confronting a man and arresting him for the "hate crime" of disapproving of Palestinian flags.

[Warning: Language]

In response to this viral video, Metro Police UK in London CONFIRMED that they did indeed arrest the man in the video for the reasons stated:

"Yeah, we arrested him. And we're proud of it. And if you speak up, you're next!"

According to the person taking the video, he made a comment AGAINST Hamas on Facebook and he was arrested for it.

Absolutely unreal.

Reportedly, this is the video that has landed this man in jail:

[Warning: Language]

This is the kind of crap that we're dealing with. This is the kind of nonsense... you let them into the country and this is the sh*** they come up with!

This is mild stuff. This is what your right-wing British uncle posts on Facebook. It might make you cringe a little. But it's free speech, right?


Well, apparently not in London.

Here's a reminder of what IS acceptable in London, by the way:

The UK is LOST, people!

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