Here is the Jamaican-born woman that Virginians just elected as their lieutenant governor:
Winsome Sears, ladies and gents! A star is born!
It is hard to imagine a more indelible mashup of great American history than a well-armed, immigrant, ex-Marine, black, Republican woman. She checks so many of the best historical boxes this country has to offer. Her victory speech, meanwhile, was a thing of beauty:
It is unsurprising that state Republicans handed her a victory.
Still, though: you may not have been aware of it, but liberal Twitter commentators want you to know that the Virginia voters who made it all possible are...wait for it...RAAAACCCCIST!
Keep it up, Dems! This all couldn't have been possible without your woke insanity!
The 2022 elections are just around the corner -- let's keep this train a-rollin'!