This was a real tweet from the Washington Post on Monday:
This is one of America's largest newspapers.
And they just casually threw out a huge piece of disinformation over a large cultural flashpoint.
Where's the Disinformation Governance Board when you need it???
George Floyd died because he had enough fentanyl in his system to kill a horse (he was arrested in a car with his dealer), and his heart gave out after many long minutes of resisting police after robbing a store by using counterfeit money.
He did die in police custody – with Derek Chauvin kneeling on his back, not his neck – and the coroner's report confirmed it was cardiac arrest, not traumatic asphyxiation that caused the man's death.
But WaPo doesn't care about this. This is the same media that reported that the officer knelt on his neck, just like they reported that Michael Brown said "hands up don't shoot" in St. Louis.
And many people still believe those lies.
See, St. George had to have been brutally shot by police – probably in the back! – to justify the $20 billion in damages caused by rioters and the subsequent setback of ethnic tensions in America to the 1960s. The media needed him to become a martyr.
The facts be damned. Whoever wrote the tweet wrote what they believe in their heart.
Oh, then WaPo issued this super lame attempt to cover up the tweet:
Not a single acknowledgement of their error for anyone who might have been deceived by their false information. Nope, just a statement that the language was "changed" after "publish."
Mmk, fake news.

To answer WaPo's question though, since George's Floyd's death, America is far worse off than she's ever been. No, not because of systemic racism or rampant police brutality. No, not because of MAGA-hat wearers behind every corner, waiting to jump innocent black actors as they get Subway at two in the morning or hang conspicuous ropes on NASCAR garage doors. No, not because black SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas wants to end the killing of preborn black Americans.
America is far worse off because of entities like WaPo that have purposely created division in this nation for money and power, pitting countryman against countryman in a hellish spectacle that stinks to high heaven.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇