You can be reasonably sure that nobody—not a single participant—walked away from this particular incident feeling proud of themselves:
Police are investigating after a massive fight broke out at a chain restaurant in Bensalem, PennsylvaniaIt happened at the Golden Corral located on the 1400 block of Street Road Friday afternoon. Alexis Rios says it started over a misunderstanding regarding a piece of steak.
Ah, okay: "It started over a misunderstanding regarding a piece of steak." That is incredibly common. It happens like every day.

Video of the scene shows the normally placid, tranquil environment of Golden Corral descending into utter chaos, where high chairs are used for gladiatorial battle and tables are used to create a phalanx shield wall worthy of the Roman legions of old:
[Warning: Language & Violence]
Evidently, the issue was due in part to a fundamental misunderstanding about how steak works:
Rios says the person in front of him became angry with the cook because Rios received his steak first." (The cook is) trying to understand what you want and give you what you want," he says. "I had a rare steak, which is a lot faster to cook than a well-done steak. That's why I got my steak first."
Wait wait wait... did the guy behind him order a well-done steak? That's disgraceful. You never cook a steak well-done. It's complete a waste of the steak.

The best part?
The brawl may have been exacerbated in part by... masks:
Rios says everyone was wearing masks and had a hard time hearing each other. He believes this may have caused the fight to escalate.
"With Covid right now, masks and everything, nobody can hear nobody sometimes," said Rios.
Well, there's really only one solution for that: